I think we can all agree that RAGING BULL is freaking awesome. I can't think of a better looking black-and-white film:

Anyway, aside from the awe-inspiring visuals, I think what's really interesting about this film is the structure of it: for a story that spans thirty years, it's really a movie made up of long character-based scenes that allow Robert DeNiro to give his finest performance (bearing in mind that I haven't seen EVERYBODY'S FINE). The scene in the prison cell where he goes from punching the wall and screaming "WHY?" to moaning "I'm not an animal" is burned into my consciousness.
A perfectly told story of jealousy and anger, RAGING BULL deserves its reputation as the best movie of the 1980s.
I agree,mind you I'm a big fan of DeNiro and Jake LaMotta so I'm probably biased.